Thinking of moving to Richmondshire? Or are you a long-term resident, looking for new activities? You've come to the right place. Our Useful links page is crammed with good stuff: new places to eat in and around Richmond; the latest shows at the Station Cinema or the Georgian Theatre Royal; walks and rides (on bike or horseback), with or without dogs - and much, much more. And we've got a terrific new Community groups page, so you can really get stuck into local life. Join a choir, or indulge your inner thespian. Discover a local history group. Play Scrabble or bowls or join a friendly group of runners. And if you've got children or grandchildren, they'll love the fun and games on our Children's activities page. If you're in Richmond long-term, you'll want to take advantage of all the local attractions - yes, the ones that bring the tourists in. So pop into our pod in the Market Hall , explore our wide range of books, maps and information leaflets, and put our knowledgeable volunteers to the test. Richmondshire is the best place in the world to live - make the most of it!
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October 2024